Raju D. Mohan is a Novelist, Writer , Poet, Spiritual Teacher & Entrepeuner.
He was born in Pune, India to Sindhi Parents (originally Hyderabad Deccan ) and currently resides in Ghana, West Africa with his wife Jenny.
Having run his family pharmaceutical company in West Africa for the past 30 years and having seen its fair share of trials and tribulations, Raj has managed to be successful thanks to his Dad's invaluable foundation and wealth of his experience and wisdom. ‘You can go to the depth of any ocean and find what’s there, but you can never fully fathom what goes on in the depths of the human mind.’
Raj's view on business is always focused on putting the OM back into commerce—to constantly have an ‘abundance mentality’, as he visualised business to an endless ocean. ‘Go to the seashore’, ‘and have the courage to put your face in the sea and drink as much as you can, only then will you realize that it is an unlimited ocean.’