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"The reason I'm holding the book "Sin-Seer Leadership" as a reverse mirror image is to render my respect to a great experiential book which makes one cycle through time itself to remove old negative patterns of thinking and recreate a fresh paradigm - the realm of truth - in which we can all excel. 


The inimitable Raj Mohan has the ability to spark the spinning of the discuss of self-realisation in all of us. 


He spins the discs of our minds like an expert disc jockey scratching old vinyl discs to create new and fresh grooves making our minds dance to the melodies of truth by which we can all achieve genuine success, true peace, happiness and a life of bliss. 


I had the pleasure of meeting Raj Mohan personally who further explained that "Sin-Seer Leadership" is just a sampler to spark the power of positive thought in all of us, while the book is also interweaved with the experiential power of music in order to open up our minds natural Pathways to the Soul through Rock and Roll".


Embrace the book, and you will appreciate how it impacts you."


NAEEM SEIRAFI 4/8/2015 - Hollywood Cinematographer

PICTURE : Naeem Seirafi


"This book is so passionate, so alive, that one doesn’t even notice the brilliant ethical advice the author subtly imparts. A must read for any entrepreneur negotiating the moral minefield of industry, as it provides tips about how to stay true to yourself and your virtues in challenging business environments."

GEORGIA 4/2/2015 - Reviewer & Blogger

"The author takes a refreshingly unique approach to using the spiritual side of life to command a business in the ways that will make it the most profitable for everyone."

JULIE WEIN 15/3/2015 - Critic Review

"With a mixture of spirituality, philosophy and business ethics, this book is an excellent read for those who want enlightenment in their life and their Business."

CHRISTINA JACOBS 18/3/2015 - Critic Review

"If you want to be that strong and successful leader in the business world, read this book. It will help you do this without the need of crossing any moral or ethical boundaries."

THERESA JOHNSON 7/7/2015 - Reviewer

"A real spiritual guide for leaders of tomorrow."

ROHIT JERAJANI 10/7/2015 - Book Store Owner ( Books on Wheels)  & Entrepreneur

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